Asia Base exists to help foreign investors acquire, establish and operate healthy, competitive businesses in China!

We have proven again and again that foreign subsidiaries can be positioned to compete both locally in China as well as in the global market place.

with a history of over 30 years in China and a reference list comprising over 300 successful M&A and foreign business establishment projects, we know that thorough preparation and careful execution are keys to success.

China is so different, that foreign entrants can benefit from applying the logic of the startup world. Start lean. Develop your product and business model to suit the the Chinese market. Test - learn - and calibrate in dialogue with real customers. Scale up only when you are ready. Remember, the first mistakes are the cheapest.

We are a dedicated team of hardworking and committed professionals who are passionate about helping clients succeed. That’s us, in a nutshell. Our clients are our lifeline, and they inspire us everyday. We are rewarded by our clients’ success and because of this, we are always ready to go the extra mile.

Legal Option Studies

Legal Options Studies

Asia Base Law & Projects' options studies are tailored to each client's unique situation, goals, plans and strategy. Options studies are performed in order to ensure that prior to investing in China our clients are made aware of all relevant options regarding type of enterprise, financial structure, business scope, location, etc. Options studies also enable clients to structure their investments so as to enjoy maximum tax and cost benefits, as well as avoiding unnecessary restrictions.
Click HERE to open a chat with Asia Base.


Investment Feasibility

Investment Feasibility – Enterprise Definition

A feasibility study is typically required by the authorities in relation to enterprise establishment or M&A in China. Asia Base Law & Projects works closely with the client and acts as a sparring partner in defining the China business strategy and structure, as well as making realistic investment and operation budgets. It is in this process that Asia Base Law & Projects gets to discuss every detail of the project with the client and provide valuable advice regarding business scope, organizational structure, long term strategy, etc. Asia Base Law & Projects offers to compile and edit the feasibility study report – ready for submission to the Chinese authorities.
Click HERE to open a chat with Asia Base.


Project Process Facilitation

We assist clients in Greenfield and M&A activities from the drawing board to negotiations and execution. We support our clients with practical services and advice in the partner and site selection process, negotiation and closing process, lease or acquisition of land and buildings, etc.. Our project process facilitation services can take the form of hands-on project management, meeting facilitation and organization, to simple behind-the-scenes sparring.
Click HERE to open a chat with Asia Base.

Legal documents

Asia Base Law & Projects offers to draft vital documents such as the Articles of Association in order to secure maximum protection of the investment, and to draft other important documents such as minutes of meeting, memorandums of understanding, letters of intent, resolutions, declarations, contracts etc. We also offer to prepare all relevant application documents for registration of foreign legal entities in China.
Click HERE to open a chat with Asia Base.

Registration and incorporation

Asia Base Law & Projects offers to manage and oversee registration and incorporation of foreign representation offices and enterprises in China. We have no affiliation to any particular investment zone or location, and we work all over Mainland China.
Click HERE to open a chat with Asia Base.


Company Secretary services: Corporate Compliance Monitoring

Asia Base Law & Projects offers a comprehensive tailored Corporate Compliance management system. The service comprise 5 steps: (1) analysis of your particular situation; (2) developing a thorough list of approvals, registrations, certifications, and other documentation that you need to be in administrative compliance in relation to Chinese authorities; (3) You collect and organize all relevant documents; (4) An Asia Base auditor review the status of all relevant documents; (5) Asia Base issues a Compliance Status Report.
Click HERE to open a chat with Asia Base.


Boost your China business knowledge with a one hour video sparring session!

One hour with a proven expert can make a big difference for decisions you make in realation to your China business.

We offer to conduct a one hour Explorative and Consultative sparring session with you and your team by video conference! Such a session can be used to clarify your options, give you inspiration in relation to your business model, and to help you trouble shooting any problem or challenge you may have in relation to establishing or restructuring of your business in China.

To prepare our team for the sparring session please write us a simple situational analysis with description of your challenge, so we can spend an hour or two to prepare ourselves before we meet in the sparring session. Click HERE to open a chat with Asia Base.

Get a well prepared one hour sparring session with one of our experts through SKYPE for only :

EUR 499

Our China Market Dashboards

Up-to-date China Economy Indices (click on chart to enlarge)
Up-to-date China Price Indices (click on chart to enlarge)
Up-to-date China Manufacturing Indices (click on chart to enlarge)

Asia Base makes tailored dashboards for its clients, so markets can be monitored and tracked real-time and on an ongoing basis. We monitor and track both overall client industry data, specific product sales and market data, application data, as well as competitor performance.

Please click HERE to see a video explaining the Asia Base Market Dashboards

Alex Wu (Wu Ren)

Director of Law & Projects, Senior Lawyer

Alex graduated from the East China Institute of Political Science & Law in 1989 with a degree in International Economic Law. From 1991-1997 Alex worked for the Suzhou Municipal Foreign Economic & Trade Commission. He passed the China National Bar Examination in 1994, and worked at a local law firm in Suzhou from 1997-1999. Alex joined Asia Base Law & Projects in 1999. He specializes in Corporate Law, Conflict Resolution, as well as Mergers and Acquisitions.

Kim Lindum

Lawyer, Senior Advisor

Kim has since 2006 assumed most roles at Asia Base from Legal Counsel to General Manager and Co-owner and has played a lead-role in over 150 company establishment and restructuring projects. Today, as Senior Advisor, Kim contributes his vast experience and specialized competences in the areas of China strategy and entry, restructuring, M&A and corporate law. Kim's academic achievements include Cand. Jur. (AU, Denmark), LL.M. (NUS, Singapore) and a Global Executive MBA (CEIBS, China).

Eaven Wang

Lawyer, Legal Counsel, Project Manager

Eaven graduated from Beijing International Studies University in 2016 with a degree in International Economic Law in 2012. Upon graduation she joined Asia Base Law & Projects, where she specializes in Corporate Law, Legal Studies, Contracts, Enterprise Incorporation and Restructuring. Eaven has been involved in more than 50 company establishment projects covering manufacturing, trading, and joint ventures

Summer Chen

CFO and Financial Advisor

Summer is Finance Advisor and head of finance at Asia Base. With a university degree in Finance and Accounting from Nanjing University and practical finance management experience from the manufacturing industry Summer is our expert advisor on tax and finance related matters. Since joining Asia Base in 2008 Summer has developed budget simulations and finance projections for over a hundred foreign clients, from SMEs to Fortune-500 companies establishing and restructuring in China.

Angel Wang

Compliance Specialist, Project Manager

Angel holds a university degree in Finance and Accounting from Huaiyin Institute of Technology. Since joining Asia Base in 2010 she has performed a large number of corporate compliance surveys and audits and advised foreign clients experiencing challenges in compliance related matters. Angel’s expertise also includes due diligence related to Joint Ventures and M&A.

Arielle Wang

Office Manager, Project support

Arielle provides research services, external liaison services and practical support on almost all Asia Base projects. Holding a B.Sc degree in Management from Suzhou Science and Technology University, she joined Asia Base in 2015.

Penny Chen

CFA, Senior Advisor

Penny joined Asia Base in 2003. Since then, she has managed a vast number of strategy and M&A related projects for foreign clients. Penny is a CFA Charterholder and her competences lie in the areas of M&A, Financial Advisory, Market Strategy and Corporate Compliance. Some years back Penny relocated to Guangzhou from where she continues to work ad-hoc for Asia Base.

Anders Ravn Nielsen

General Administration

Anders holds a MA degree from Aarhus University, Denmark. He has lived in Shanghai since 2001 where he has worked for larger European Strategy Consultants specializing in China market entry strategy. Anders joined Asia Base in 2011. He is responsible for project management and quality as well as client relationship.

Peter N. Rasmussen

General Manager, Founder

Peter specializes in providing strategic advice to top level decision makers regarding China market entry and marketing strategies, focusing on how to handle emerging competition from fast-growing Chinese competitors. Read more about Peter Rasmussen HERE

Our Experiences

Since 1994 Asia has assisted many hundreds of companies in China with establishment and operations support such as business restructuring, compliance monitoring and conflict resolution. Our clients count large MNCs, SMEs, from Europe and the USA covering a wide scope of industries and sectors from Mechanical manufacturing and electronics, to food, agriculture and pharmaceutical manufacturing and distribution.

  • Agriculture, aquaculture, and animal husbandry
  • Automotive
  • Construction materials
  • Consumer electronics
  • Decorative materials
  • Electromechanical products
  • Electronics manufacturing
  • Fiber and composite materials
  • Food and beverage
  • Food and beverage processing
  • Furniture
  • HR services, tax, legal, consulting, R&D
  • HVAC and air filtration systems
  • Industrial automation and process control
  • Laboratory equipment
  • Machine building
  • Marine equipment
  • Medical equipment and hospital supplies
  • Metals and metal processing
  • Packaging materials and containers
  • Pharmaceutical, medical care & healthcare
  • Power and energy
  • Refrigeration and cooling
  • Rubber and plastics processing
  • Sanitary wares, plumbing, and accessories
  • Telecommunications
  • Textiles and garments
  • Transportation and logistics
  • Washing and cleaning equipment
  • Other industries

Contact us

Please send us an Email containing your name, your company's name, contact information, and details regarding which services you are interested in. We will respond to your inquiry within one working day.

Asia Base Law & Projects (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.
No. 99, Sian Street
Room 1206, 12F, GCL Plaza,
Suzhou Industrial Park, Suzhou, China
Asia Base Holding A/S
Agro Food Park 13,
8200 Aarhus,